Vortrag „Trapped inside the Long Walls: Pericles, War, and the Plague at Athens“
Professor Leven hält im Zuge der Ringvorlesung „War and Peace“ der School of History’s War and Peace Research Cluster den Vortrag Vortrag „Trapped inside the Long Walls: Pericles, War, and the Plague at Athens“.
The „Plague at Athens“ (430 B.C.), as described by the contemporary Thucydides, has ever since been fascinating historians, as it struck the imperial(istic) Attic state at the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war. Athen´s complete defeat, some 26 years later, was it caused by the impact of the plague, one might ask? And what about the correlation between Pericles´ plan of war and the outbreak of the epidemic? Was this correlation already visible for contemporaries and what do ancient historians and ancient physians since Thucydides tell us about it? Was the magnificent fortification of the Long Walls at least a causal factor for the outbreak of the Attic plague?
Der Vortrag wird am Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2022, von 17-18.30 Uhr in englischer Sprache stattfinden.
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